Streamlining Services for Lawyers
and Corporate Consultations
Lawyers have a strong image as strict law-keepers. They are experts in a wide range of fields and use the law to solve problems.
We provide Lawyer Robot to make consultation with attorneys more accessible, as they still have an image of being too difficult to consult casually.
We plan to develop a 24-hour legal consultation service for corporations. As a service for law firms, we provide a system to improve the efficiency of legal work.
Realization of online legal consultation without being confined by time or location
We will make legal consultation mentally and physically accessible through a platform that connects consultants with professionals who wish to resolve legal problems, available 24 hours a day.

Easy legal consultation using a bulletin board system
The bulletin board style service makes it possible to consult with lawyers in a casual manner. This leads to early decision making.

Lawyer Robot provides multiple services for both law firms and enterprises.
Enterprises that have already contracted with their legal counsel can;
1) Use as a second opinion
2) Expect cost reduction as an alternative to a legal advisory contract.
・Companies that have not yet contracted with a legal advisor can consult easily for legal advice.
・Lawyers registered in the system will answer your questions.
・You can reply to the lawyer’s answer or ask additional questions.
・You can contact directly from your profile for direct consultation or request a case.
Special Supervisor Introduction
Kazuhiro Terai
President, Liberté-Égalité Law Office
[Career Summary]
Executive Director of Kanto Federation of Bar Associations 1996: Chairman of the Criminal Defense Center, Japan Federation of Bar Associations 1997: Head of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations’ Study Mission to the U.S. Judicial System 1998: Secretary-General of Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Member of Bar Examination Administration Committee 2002: Deputy Director of the Headquarters for Realization of Judicial Reform, Japan Federation of Bar Associations 2004: Advisor, Preparatory Office for Comprehensive Legal Support, Ministry of Justice 2006: Executive Director, Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) 2008: President, Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu)
Houterasu no Tanjo to Mirai [Birth and Future of Houterasu] (Nippon Hyoron-sha, Co., Ltd.)
Machizukuri-ken [Town Planning Rights] (Kadensha Co., Ltd.)
Seiou Shokoku no Housou Yousei Seido [Judicial Officer Training Systems in Western European Nations] (Nippon Hyoron-sha, Co., Ltd., Co-authored)
Keiji Bengo no Gijutsu [Criminal Defense Techniques] (Dai-Ichi Hoki Co., Ltd., Co-authored)
Amerika no Keiji Bengo Seido [Criminal Defense System in America] (Gendaijinbun-sha, Co-authored)